May 15, 2020
How to Clean and Disinfect Every Room in Your House

The COVID-19 pandemic made us all anxious on whether or not our home is free from any bacteria or viruses. You’d probably witness yourself how every store ran out of cleaning detergents and materials available.
To make sure that you aren’t just cleaning and instead removing the unseen enemies, here are some tips in cleaning and disinfecting every room in your house:
- Clean all bed linens once a week using hot water;
- Clean clothes that’s been exposed outside separately from other laundry; and
- Refrain from eating or bringing foods and snacks in bedrooms as crumbs can accumulate molds and bacteria.
- Did you know that your kitchen is sink is the second dirtiest place in your house next to kitchen sponges? Thus, practice scrubbing the sink with disinfecting cleanser and always keep your sponge dry; also
- Always clean kitchen counter tops with hot soapy water to remove any grimes.
- Combine dish liquid and ammonia in a warm water and use this in cleaning bathtubs, sink, floors, and shower;
- Alternatively, using baking soda also helps in getting rid of marks in sink or tub;
- Always keep the lid down to prevent spread of fecal matter and germs all over your bathroom; and
- Use wet cloth with all-purpose cleaner in cleaning lid, seat, and outside of the toilet bowl.
Living Room
- Use damp microfiber cloth to gently remove dust from your televisions;
- Frequently vacuum crumbs from sofa and floors; and
- Clean spills from carpets and other furniture immediately to prevent bacteria from growing.
Other parts
- It is in door knobs, handles, railings, faucets, switches, and lamps can spread quickly, thus sanitize these once a week using disinfecting cleaners or wipes; and
- Using a microfiber cloth, frequent clean telephones, desktops, and computer keyboards as these can harbor germs.
Hiring disinfection cleaning professionals
You may prevent your home for becoming a favorable breeding area for germs and utilize a professional home disinfection services in Singapore.
The disinfection services provided by professionals, like Cotton Care, is available for residential and commercial areas. It uses effective disinfectants while making sure that your health and your loved ones are taken care as well.
Cotton Care also accepts customized disinfection as deem necessary by the clients.
Talk with Cotton Care customer service through 9029 6919 or send an email to .